Kombiverkehr grows its Lübeck-Duisburg kombi shuttle

The company has increased the number of roundtrip weekly departures on the train service in question from nine to 11.

The route connects LHG's Skandinavienkai in the Port of Lübeck with the Duisburg-Ruhrort Hafen. However, Kombiverkehr is organising transfers of containers and trailers to Nordlandkai, Seelandkai, Dänischburg, and Lehmannkai in Lübeck on the clients' instructions for further rail-ferry shipments.

"This service is a prime example of a thoroughly viable product of an intermodal connection on what is a major national transport corridor with an international focus towards Scandinavia," Peter Dannewitz, Head of Sales, Kombiverkehr, said.

Photo: Kombiverkehr